Program Name: HACCP Certification Prep Class
Program Duration: 12 hours
Program Location: PWC Hospitality Training Facility
Available Cost: $399 Class and Exam

Click Here to Register or Call (770) 653-8738

The course curriculum consists of 11 modules covering topics on meeting government, industry, and auditor requirements for the development of a working HACCP plan.

Managing food safety risks in a food service setting has never been more important.  With foodborne illness outbreaks occurring weekly in the United States, retail operations need to protect their liability and livelihood by implementing food safety management plans using the preventative principles of HACCP for Retail Food Operations.  Many jurisdictions require HACCP plans in place when foodservice operations do special processes such as sous vide, cook/chill and vacuum sealing.  The HACCP Manager Certification Course is designed for students and foodservice professionals working in retail food operations.  It is also an excellent body of knowledge for any Food Safety professional and should be seen as an important supplement to your existing training.

This course will provide participants with the information necessary to implement an effective and dynamic food safety management system in a retail foodservice operation.  The course will teach students how to identify, assess and reduce or eliminate food safety risks by utilizing the Process Approach to HACCP.  Students will take a nationally recognized HACCP Manager Certification Exam at the end of the course.  Cost is $399 for the class and exam.  Pre-requisite: minimum of CPFM or ServSafe certification is required.

Who Should Take the Course?
• Restaurant Owners/Chefs
• Commissary managers
• HACCP Team Members
• Line managers and staff
• Foodservice third-party auditors
• Regulatory inspectors for retail food operations

Click Here to Register or Call (770) 653-8738